
10:00-10:15 AM

Opening study day

Widad MUSTAFA EL HADI, Professor in Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, GERIICO, Université de Lille


In french




10:15-10:30 AM

Information and multilingual knowledge : introduction to the study day

Amel FRAISSE, lecturer in Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, GERIICO, Université de Lille


In french

10:30-11:00 AM

Provide languages into digital resources (data and tools) : A feedback of projects in l'INALCO

Damien NOUVEL, lecturer in Informatique, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), PARIS 



In french

11:15-11:45 AM

350 languages, 80 alphabets: Multilingualism and multiculturalism in library

Fanny MION-MOUTON, Deputy Head of the Pôle flux et données Chef de l'équipe signalement et exposition des données BULAC,PARIS



In french



14:30-15:00 PM

Multilingual collections, crowdsourcing, and staff expertise: unexpected upsides of the global pandemic

Victoria VAN HYNING, Assistant Professor of Library Innovation, University of Maryland, College of Information Studies (iSchool), USA



In english

15:00-15:30 PM

Lessons from 5 years of indigenous language transcription projects.

BEN W. BRUMFIELD, Partner, Brumfield Labs, Creators of FromThePage, USA





In english





15:00-15:30 PM

Lessons from 5 years of indigenous language transcription projects

Sara BRUMFIELD, Partner, Brumfield Labs, Creators of FromThePage, USA


In english